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Divsion Update 10/25

Brothers and Sisters,

Authentication/Token for Login

I know there are going to be some conspiracy theories out there on this matter but here's what is being required beginning October 30th. Essentially the traditional password system for logging onto the UP website is going away on October 30th. You must now use your personal device to generate a one-time use code to log in each and every time. Everyone should have received a broadcast message with a somewhat difficult explanation of how the process works. I recommend going to the UP website, on a computer, not your phone, and search these words in the search box located at the top of each token self service. Then select the top result and you should get to a page with 12 easy-to-follow steps. You must have your phone set to read QR codes to complete this process.

After completion, every time you log in you will be required to go to the app to acquire your "token" or code that you then put in place of a password to log in to the UP website. This will be necessary whether logging in at work, at home, or on the mobile site.

Some of you may still have the USB keyfob that they mailed out some time back, this process will still work. On a mobile device, you have to purchase an adapter to make the keyfob fit your phone port.


Everyone must visit the Your Track to Health website at to verify dependents and coverages. It's also time to select your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for next year. For those who haven't used this benefit, it's a pretty cool deal. It works by selecting an amount that you want for next year, currently maxed at $3050, for medical expenses. (Those medical expenses range from paying copays, deductibles, eyeglasses, dental, etc.) Then on January 1, that amount gets placed on a medical credit card issued to you. Then, whatever amount you selected gets divided over your 24 paychecks in 2024. So if you selected $3050, you'd have $127.08 deducted from each check, before taxes. The amount must be used by March of the next year or it's gone.

There are a few open enrollments currently going on for disability and other coverages through Union One, formerly Cornerstone. It's the same company that we've all been familiar with, the same people working, just a different name.

Probably the most important coverage, because a good portion of it is provided to us by agreement, is short-term disability insurance. If you get hurt on or off the job and can't work, it will pay you while you're off up to your selected coverage. One of the things to remember is that we don't work under state workman's comp. Sometimes payment for an on-the-job injury or limo accident is months away so short-term insurance helps get you through those times.

Go here to have the plan benefits explained, then go here if you are interested in enrolling for enhanced coverage. (engineers only)

Vacation Bidding

It's that time of year again. We'll all be required to use the new CrewPro vacation bid system like some of us used last year. I encourage each of you to watch the how-to video and view the quick reference cards that are available under the "crew" tab on MyUP. You should also see CrewPro Vacation--this is where you go to place bids. If it loads to a blank screen, just click somewhere and the page should load. These instructions are for my vacation groups, check with your local chairman to see how the process will work in your grouping.

As always, we'll need to know those of you who wish to have a float week for 2024. If you want a float week and are in vacation group B372Z4E-EN or B 321-ENG, please text me at 832-795-2042, or Travis Bateman at 832-758-7182. State your name, employee id, and that you want the float. Remember, a float week is actually seven single days that the individual schedules themselves through the EAMS system. Those float days can be utilized all the way through December 15, 2024, but any single days taken will come from the float week first before any other singled-out week.

There will be two new drop-down boxes that must be addressed due to new benefits as a result of the latest National Agreement. One is for the Additional Day and how you want to observe it. Choices are birthday, PL day, or Vacation Day. It's recommended to not choose PL day because typically your vacation rate is higher than a PL rate.

The next drop-down will be if you want to convert two vacation days into PS days. Remember, on January 1st we'll all get five PS days. Engineers can elect to convert none, 1, or 2 vacation days into extra PS days. You must make this choice at the time of bidding. You will not be allowed to change your mind once bidding closes. Now, here's the rub. If you elect to convert vacation into PS, you will be required to single out a week of vacation. Those elected PS days will be removed from that week, once awarded, leaving you with the remainder of single days in that week. So if you elect 2 PS days, the system will require you to make one of your weeks single during the bidding process and the PS days will come out of the latest week awarded and you will have five remaining days in that week (see the "cheat sheets" attached for more info). Remember that once a week is singled out, it can't be moved and days must be used up by that week. There are still some back-and-forth discussions between the powers that be on the matter of how the PS conversion days should work, we've got plenty of time and I'll update you on changes.

Again, watch the videos and check out the cheat sheets. There's plenty of time and we'll update along the way. For now, if you want a float week and are in 139's groupings of B372Z4E-EN or B 321-ENG, text us.

"Remind" App

For simple reminders and quick information Division 139 has begun using the Remind app as a means of more effectively communicating this information. If you are a 139 member and didn't get an invite, text me and I'll send you a link to join.

also visit

Fraternally, Kevin DeArment BLET Div 139 Local Chairman North 832-795-2042

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